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K O N G A. Roll the word around the tongue once again, and it tastes the same. Of the old, savage, wild and unexplored Africa of old we presume. This time, rather than Konga being the name of an African kingdom, a god, or the like, it’s a huge Nigerian e-commerce store.
E-commerce stores are all the new rage and are enormously convenient, as they enable you and anyone else with some money to purchase everything possible. That is, everything safe – perhaps for a newborn baby or an aircraft carrier from the cushy confines of your home, office, aeroplane or practically anywhere else you and your shadow might be.
In Nigeria, Konga has only one comparable competitor, Jumia.com. And it has ambitions of soon putting Jumia in its place and being regarded as the one-and-only e-commerce platform before whom all must bow.
So, what is it like, visiting the Konga website, and what exactly does it offer? Let’s go find out.
The Konga.com website is one that’s particularly easy to remember and loads fast across all platforms. It’s, however, recommended that you browse through its humongous offerings on a laptop or other big-screened device, to get the best possible eye-candy experience.
While you do not need to be a member if all you’re doing is visiting, you, however, need to sign up if you want to buy something. Registering is effortless too and takes a couple of minutes at most. In the end, you’re assigned a password, and as an incentive, new users get to enjoy a discount on the first few item(s) purchased.
The site is most definitely eye-catching and put together by professionals who know their business. At the top left can be seen the Konga logo, and next to it is a rather long search bar. This directs you straight to any item dear to your heart; though, it does not always work so well in practice.
A little below the space bar and logo are a few of the various popular categories like phones, electronics, fashion and what have you. With the way the site is expertly designed, it is effortless speedily searching out whatever you might be looking for. If not, you are bound to stumble upon it sooner or later.
There’s also a slideshow at the top to be enraptured by, as they show expertly shot images that are quite alluring. Indeed, you might have to seriously fight the urge to buy something featured there that you never budgeted for.
And as you scroll further down, the whole page is revealed to your fascinated gaze. There’s quite a lot of sweet images to wistfully stare at and wish you had the money to buy. You don’t want to leave your kid to explore alone, or soon, a delivery truck packed with all sorts of items will be pulling up to your home, and you’ll be presented with a bill that’s possibly bigger than the national budget!
Unlike most other e-commerce websites, on Konga, once you explore the bottom page of any category, you don’t need to click page 2, page 3, ad infinitum. All you need is to hold the “down” button firmly as you scroll through thousands of items and the page keeps loading automatically to the next.
However, typing your search query in the search bar does not always return the specific item sought. Instead, you get shown all the possible items that correlate to your query. This can be irritating, and the experience should be improved. Overall, though, there’s nothing much to gripe about as the whole experience is quite fluid and amazing.
If you are worried about security, there’s no need, as Konga seems secure enough and presumably has an army of well-equipped web experts on standby to fix any problem. Indeed, the only issue to be concerned about is when the site crashes. And this, it often does, during its frequent promotions when the onslaught of myriads of shoppers looking for a sweet and cheap deal overwhelms its servers.
In conclusion, the Konga experience is quite amazing. While you might experience a few niggles, it’s nothing to tear your hair over. So, boldly go forth and Konga!
Technical Review of Konga.com
UI Design - 88%
User Experience - 90%
Website Speed - 61%
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Score - 67%
Social Proof - 91%
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