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According to research, Lagos State is regarded as the largest city in Africa due to its high population rate. Quite a number of businesses are done in Lagos on a daily basis, and this cut across the small, medium, and large-scale businesses.
To tap into the technological development and its use, one can start, grow and maintain a business to give a high return on investment when used in the right mix. Having a website is one of the major things one needs to consider for a rapid business growth as part of the marketing strategies.
In order to achieve an excellent result, you need to consult versatile web designers in Lagos, Nigeria. However, there are certain questions that you need to ask before hiring one.
8 Questions You Need to Ask When Hiring Web Designers in Lagos Nigeria
1. How long have you been designing websites? Can I see your past projects?
The first question to ask when hiring web designers in Lagos is, “how long the designers have been in the business?” Asking this question will let you know if the web designers are newbies or professionals.
Of course, it is possible for the web designers to lie, telling you they have been designing websites for years – and that’s where the second question, “Can I see your past projects?’ comes in.
A web designer that has been in the game for years should have developed lots of websites and shouldn’t have issues giving you the web link to the past projects.
2. Which Content Management System (CMS) will be used?
A large chunk of websites and blogs are designed using CMS (Content Management System), and there are few of them, with the two most popular being WordPress and Blogger. These two CMSs are used as one of the various ways of designing websites by web designers in Lagos.
So when you are planning to hire web designers, it is important to ask if CMS will be used to design to your website and which of the CMSs will be used.
It is advisable to allow your website be designed using CMS, so that you will be able to access the backend of your website and be able to do little manipulation, without having to always contact the designer.
3. How responsive will the website be?
People now access websites more on their phone and tablet than they do on their computer. For this reason, it is important that your website is responsive to all devices – and you should ask your web designers about it.
Since the web designers are likely to use a CMS for the design, tell them to use a responsive theme for your website.
4. Will Search Engine Optimization (SEO) be implemented?
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) should be the structure on which your website is designed because it is the surest way to bring traffic and prospective customers to your website. So when hiring web designers in Lagos, you should ask if the designer will integrate SEO into the project.
If the designers didn’t integrate SEO into your website, the chances of getting visitors to your website through search engines like Google are close to zero.
5. How many pages will the website have? Will a blog be included?
This question is related to the SEO question. Google loves websites ladened with a reasonable number of pages and great contents. Each page on your website should have long-tail keyword optimized content about your products and services.
Having a blog page on your website is also good for SEO; the blog will help you able to write more information about your products and services, which in turn brings more traffic to your website. Therefore, it is paramount to ask, when hiring web designers in Lagos, if a blog page will be part of your website design and the number of pages your website will have.
6. Will the logo, pictures, and other graphic materials be designed for me?
Logo, pictures and other graphics are parts of a website; so you should ask who is responsible for them. If the web designers can also design your logo and other graphics, that’s good. However, you need to see the previous logos they have designed to see how professional the logos look.
If you aren’t satisfied with their previous logos, you can outsource the designing of your logo and other graphics designs to graphics designers.
7. Will the domain name and hosting account be registered in my name?
Even if a website carries your name or the name of your business, it is not yours unless you have access to the domain name account and hosting account. Most web designers in Lagos would register the domain name and the hosting account for you; however, it is important to ask if they will be registering in your name or theirs.
If they register in your name, that’s the best. But if they didn’t, make sure you ask for the name of the company from which your domain name was purchased, the name of the company hosting your website, and the username and password to access your domain name account and hosting account.
8. Do you offer on-going maintenance?
After your website has been designed, it will need on-going maintenance at an interval of time. It is good to ask your web designers if they will help you with maintenance as at when needed and what is the likely cost of the maintenance.
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