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Copywriting is much more than creative writing, and mastery of this niche requires long study. More so, with the advent of the internet and the way copywriting begins to merge with web content writing. In Nigeria, like most of the world, copywriting is used to sell. That is the simple definition; it is the writing that you use to sell. Whether the text on an email newsletter, on a Facebook Ad or the script for a video ad, copywriting is a selling tool, an important part of it.
Here are the tricks you should learn as a copywriter.
1. Leverage emotions
Emotions rule human decisions. Since you are trying selling, you can leverage on human emotions in your copywriting.
“Have you ever experienced the soothing relief that comes with a massage?” Versus “We give the best massages.”
Notice how the words “soothing relief” make some difference in the copy above? You need to make your audience feel something.
2. Pay attention to details
Pay attention to the minute details of your writing. Every word, comma, exclamation mark, pluralisation can make a world of difference in your bid to sell with writing.
“Buy nice caps here, at a discount” Versus “Buy cheap caps here.”
You may wonder what the difference is between cheap and at a discount, but you would be surprised at how many of the potential buyers do not want to buy “cheap” caps but would rather buy nice caps at a discount. The details matter more than you can even imagine – so it is the best to go through your copy with a fine tooth comb and shed the wastes.
3. Use action and power words
In primary school, they taught us that verbs are action words. Adverbs, on the other hand, qualify the verbs. Use action words and avoid adverbs and adjectives as much as you can. They appeal more to people. Power words are also choice words in copywriting because of how they can be persuasive. Words like Free, Instant, New and so on.
“We are the best car repair service” Versus “We deliver Instant car repair services.”
While the former makes a claim, the latter shows action. The latter also makes use of a power word. As a copywriter, you should know when to make use of this trick and when not to. It is not every piece of copy that you can avoid adverbs and adjectives nor can you always use power words.
4. Use stories
Once upon a time, there was this young man who went to work with a digital agency and used stories to write his copy. He made magic and sold products with his engaging words. Do you see what we are trying to say already? Copywriting becomes appealing when you make use of stories to engage your audience. Everyone likes a good story – use it to sell.
5. Avoid weasel words
“Perhaps weasel words can work in your favour, but we offer no guarantees.” How does that sound? We refer to Weasel words as words or phrases used to evade or retreat from a direct statement and taking a position. They soften the statement, and it is not good for copywriting at all.
You do not want to make statements like “We can give your car quality facelifts.” Rather, say, “We will give your car quality facelifts.”
6. Be concise and specific
Concise and specific statements are the best for copywriting. Vague and ambiguous statements will convince no one. When employing numbers, you should avoid approximating or using vague terms to represent the numbers.
“We have sold 1672 cars in just two months” Versus “We have sold thousands of cars in very little time.”
Which of the above is more convincing? Of course, the one with exact figures. That is another verified trick to copywriting that will have your audience eating out of your hands.
7. Be believable and cut the crap
Avoid exaggerations and bogus words. It is easy to fall into that temptation and start adding promises that you cannot fulfil. The truth is that your readers are not dummies; they are sensible and sensitive. When you exaggerate, fraud alerts go off, and your audience tends to take steps backwards.
Copywriting has a lot involved, and these are just a few tips. Successful copywriters are those who test and analyse response to their copy. You understand your audience responds if you monitor and keep tweaking your copy.
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