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Well, even your crumbling ancestors in the village are well aware of the fact that this year the Nigerian economy has undergone a rather merciless battering. Moreover, we are talking about the sort of battering that would in other climes get those responsible hauled in on aggravated assault charges. Officially, though the economy is supposed to be on the upswing, the memo is apparently being delayed at the post office, as most of the populace are still not feeling the effects of the much-touted recovery.
So, need a new source of income to help make up for the awful fact that inflation has mercilessly chipped away at our collective purchasing power? Alternatively, do you just like the idea of starting an all-new career and thereby getting your account balance looking like an overfed thanksgiving turkey for a change? Well, you came to the right place, pardner. Do join us as we explore the hottest, latest and possibly biggest new business ideas in Nigeria this year, that a knowledgeable few are apparently getting richer than a Roman emperor on. Here goes…
1.     Betting Shop
Nigerians are people who should deservedly feature on the National Geographic channel for their love of freebies. Whether it is free food or drinks at a party, free airtime and the like, they just love it and go crazy at the idea of getting something worthwhile for free without having to pay or sacrifice for it. So, your opening a betting shop will tap into this national pastime.
While there might currently be betting shops at every street corner, there can never be too much of them, as the crowds seen at most would ably testify. Therefore, why not open a betting shop, offer top-notch and totally honest services not found within a state-wide radius and you might soon have to employ an army of accountants to help you count the boat-load of money that will be rolling in.
2.     Mobile Food Vending
We are assuredly a people who love our food and the act of eating. Daily, World War 2 in miniature break out online, in remote streets, bukas, and heavens-knows-where-else over which region cooks the best dishes and the exact way such food should be cooked and eaten.
So, can you cook better than most? If so, that is really good news for your future in-laws! Now, it is time you put your cooking and entrepreneurial skills to the test by starting a mobile food vending business.
Since you do not have to pay rent or utility bills and just have to wheel around your cart that’s crammed with the most finger-licking and positively scrumptious dishes in existence, your profits are essentially limitless. However, do be careful and keep watch for when your customers start fighting over which of your dishes is the most sinfully drool-worthy!
3.     Real Estate
Nigeria has a population that is apparently growing at the speed of light! According to most estimates, by 2050 this country will have approximately 500 million citizens and be the third largest in the world by population. Such a positively ginormous number is excellent news- if you are a real estate agent that is.
With a virtually inexhaustible pool of customers, you are guaranteed never to run out of business, as there will always be people desperate to pay an arm and a leg to lay their poor aching heads somewhere comfortable. So, it is time to jump on the real estate bandwagon and make money hand-over-fist like King Midas of old.
4.     Agriculture
Here we refer to large-scale commercial agriculture, rather than the medieval subsistence one still being practised in most parts of the country. The former is of course very capital intensive and involves the rearing of two and four-legged critters, the raising of fish, and the large-scale farming of crops.
With the recent ban on the importation of most agricultural commodities and its oft-enthusiastic enforcement, the field is wide open for you to reap bumper harvests, both in the farm and your bank account if you know what you are doing. With this in mind, what’s holding you from going to the farm to seek your fame and fortune? Nothing? Then, get to work, champ!
PS: If the above list fails to work you can always dig in your backyard and hope to strike a gold-bearing ore or the second tomb of Tutankhamen!
PSS: You should consider digital marketing for whichever of the options you settle for unless you want to run an 18th century business model.
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